Blaze Bayley e Paul Di'Anno cantando Iron Maiden na Austrália no primeiro show da extensa tour em conjunto. Detalhe no bom humor de ambos durante a execução da música:
Ambos ainda se apresentam nas seguintes datas:
Fri 23rd : The Brisbane, Hobart, AUSTRALIA
Sat 24th : Civic, Perth, AUSTRALIA
Sun 25th : Fowlers, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
Mon 26th : The Hi Fi, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
Thu 29th : Cambridge, Newcastle, AUSTRALIA
Fri 30th : Manning, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Sat 1st : Basement, Canberra, AUSTRALIA
Sun 2nd : Waves, Wollongong, AUSTRALIA
Fri 7th : Bodegas, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
Sat 8th : Kings Arms, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
Fri 23rd : The Brisbane, Hobart, AUSTRALIA
Sat 24th : Civic, Perth, AUSTRALIA
Sun 25th : Fowlers, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
Mon 26th : The Hi Fi, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
Thu 29th : Cambridge, Newcastle, AUSTRALIA
Fri 30th : Manning, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Sat 1st : Basement, Canberra, AUSTRALIA
Sun 2nd : Waves, Wollongong, AUSTRALIA
Fri 7th : Bodegas, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
Sat 8th : Kings Arms, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
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